$1,200 Online Study & Product Test: Baby Strollers (Select Regions)

  • RRU Research (Fusion Focus) has provided top-tier marketing research recruiting services for over 40 years.
  • They are currently seeking parents in Manhattan, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Florida, New Jersey, Connecticut, Westchester NY, Nassau NY, or Suffolk NY to participate in a new study about Bugaboo Strollers.
  • They are specifically looking for 3 different categories of parents:
    — Family type 1: have 1 kid: 0-6 months
    — Family type 2: have 2 kids: 0-4 months & 24-30 months
    — Family type 3: have 2 kids: 6-24 months & maximum 36 months for the 2nd kid
  • The client will ship you a Bugaboo prototype stroller directly to your home for you to test and then you will need to share your feedback via an online community board.
  • The online community board will run from December 4th till January 19th, 2024.
  • To thank you for your contribution, you can choose a product from the Bugaboo website for up to $1,200.
  • The total time commitment is undisclosed but will likely be 12 hours.
  • ✅ Send an email to the following addresses in order to apply: Crisite: focusgroupcristie@gmail.com or NaSheena: nmcknight.rruresearch@gmail.com